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Where Greatness Begins........



2021 Theme



"I SHALL COME FORTH AS GOLD.......Job 23:10"


The Apostle Paul tells us that God is the God of all comfort and that He comforts us in our troubles, so we can give others the same kind of God comfort we received when we were in trouble.  As we walk along side one another during this time of dealing with new challenges, it is possible to comfort others with God as our helper.


At this present time to support and promote healing within our communities, we have restricted our gathering to digital format.  Physically we respect the boundaries which have been instituted however, are committed to prevent isolation by connecting through technological means.  Through God's word, He instructs us to not to neglect our meeting together as some due but encourage one another especially since his coming is near.  God's desire is that we also prosper and be in health, even as our souls prosper.  


As we continue to stay connected while we are physically distanced, remain strong and immovable; always work enthusiastically for the Lord, knowing that nothing which is done for the Lord is useless.



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